B.15:45 Years of Architectural Modelmaking Documentary Video

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As part of our B.15:45 exhibition we have produced this documentary film exploring the constant but changing use of modelmaking within architectural education here at The Manchester School of Architecture within The University of Manchester.

The film interviews past and present academic, teaching and technical staff about their thoughts on modelmaking in architecture and how the tool continues to be used in design teaching today.

We hope this provides a good insight into Architectural modelmaking and helps to define its place in student studies here.

We would like to say many thanks again to all involved in the production of this film.

Scott and Jim

B.15:45 EXHIBITION Opening September 12th 2014 and Running throughout 2015

At long last we are able to give some definite details of our upcoming retrospective exhibition. The exhibition will open on September 12th with a private view and will run throughout the remainder of 2014 and 2015.

B15 Poster INVITE

Over the last few weeks we have been compiling, repairing, cleaning and organising models in preparation for the exhibition. In addition to the display of a wide range of model types and styles the exhibition will feature a video overview from academic and technical staff that have worked in the school over the years giving their perspective on the use of models.



A Platform to Archive

Whilst this exhibition will present a range of making over the last 45 Years here in Manchester we would like to continue to expand our archive and record and even more in depth history of Modelmaking in Architecture. With this in mind we would like to encourage and welcome any further stories or media, physical or digital to keep expanding our heritage collections. If you have any stories, images or models from the history of the university as a whole please get in touch to help us expand our archive and heritage collection.

We look forward to seeing you at the opening!

Scott and Jim

‘We Are All Explorers’ End of Year Show 2013

 It’s been a couple of weeks since our last update - with good reason!

With all systems go for the end of year show things have been very busy in the workshop with final model’s being finished, wall units and display plinths being made. As well as these student tasks we had our own projects to complete for the show.

The opening successful and the exhibition days over, we can be certain all efforts paid off.

Here are some photographs of the completed works on display. More case studies will follow soon! For more information about the ‘We Are All Explorers’ exhibition click here.
