Using the B.15 Workshop Blog
When visiting the blog you will see associated ‘Tags’ at the bottom of each post as well as popular tags to the right hand side of the page. Clicking on any of these tags will take you to a list of articles relevant to the subject.
For example, clicking ‘1:50’ will show you past posts featuring study models made at a scale of 1:50. This can be used to give you an indication of how previous students have approached making models at this scale with lists of processes and materials alongside images of the finished project.
In addition to technical and material tags any case studies include tags of associated students names. This means an automated on-line record of projects from our workshop that can be accessed by searching or clicking on your name.
All content of this blog is written by Scott Miller unless otherwise stated. Images are all the property of the University of Manchester or stated individuals when used with permission.
Any reproduction of information or photographs should not be done without seeking permission. All content is copyrighted by University of Manchester (UoM), School of Environment Education and Development (SEED) B.15 Modelmaking Workshop.
Any technical advice given is done so with the most up to date information and safety considerations available . We cannot be held responsible for any damages, personal or material, incurred as a result of advice given on this site outside of our workshop environment.