B.15 Modelmaking Awards 2024 Longlist & Winners

Congratulations to the winners of this years B.15 Modelmaking Awards! To mark ten years of the awards, ten projects were selected from the extensive range of submissions. This made the process of selection difficult and time consuming with the judges deliberating for almost two hours following inspection of all projects in the shortlist.

Whilst there can only be a limited number of prize winners we consider all participants winners and want to thank everyone who took the time to submit their work for consideration. This scheme has always been about much more than the winning projects but about the celebration of all modelmaking in design work.

The body of work submitted over the years will continue to provide inspiration to future students. Bound copies of these submissions that were included in our MAKE MORE MODELS retrospective display at this year degree show can now be found in the B.15 library. Digital copies can be viewed here.

On behalf of Pete Lee & Nina Criswell from HENN, Maz Weineck & Stephen Setford from Stanton Williams and all of us at B.15 we encourage you all to keep being creative and making in your future work in practice and further education.

For those leaving us please keep in touch and those still studying, see you soon!

Thank you to Stanton Williams and HENN for their continued support and enthusiasm!

The final 10 were:

Jamie Schneider (BA3)
Gordon Wu (BA3)
Ava Tizard (BA3)
Wei Feng (MArch 1)
Francis Richardson and Karolina Olszewska (MArch 2)
Louis Eden Walsh (BA3)
Rowdah Charbak (MArch 2)
Keng Chi Mak (MArch 1)
Theo Fisher (MArch 2)
Eleanor Jones (MArch 2)

B.15 HENN modelmaking Awards 2022 Winners

Congratulations to this years B.15 Modelmaking Award winners. As ususal the judges had a hard time choosing from the submissions across all groups and were highly impressed by the quality and creativity of the projects on show. Well done to everyone who took part!

The winners were as follows:

Hannah Knight BA3

Ruben Greyson BA3 

Daryl Law and Jin Lee MArch2 

Nur Farah Afiqah MArch2 


B.15 HENN modelmaking Awards 2022 Longlist and Shortlist now online

Thanks to all who have submitted to this years modelmaking awards! We received a huge 65 submissions across all year groups. This has been reviewed by our collaborators at HENN and a highly commended shortlist of 14 has been selected and informed.

This process is always very difficult and often hard to call one way or another. As far as we’re concerned all models are fantastic so all students should be proud to have engaged with this process and sometimes challenging craft.

The complete longlist can now be viewed here

The Shortlist


Louis Walsh BA1
Cara Russell BA3
Anita Luburic BA3
Ruben Greyson BA3
Hannah Knight BA3
Fanny Bois-Berlioz BA3
Trisha Pradhan MArch2
Nur Farah Afiqah MArch2
Daryl Law and Jin Lee MArch2
Joeseph Cox and George Williams MArch2
Millie Evans MArch2
Adam Valman & Hayden Moores MArch2
Grace Corris and Karolina Vachalova MArch2
Megan Pledger  MArch2

Congratulations to all who took part and good luck to the 14 who will have their work judged on Friday 10th June by HENN.

Winners will be announced at approximately 18.00 on the 8th floor of Chatham to mark the start of the private view event.

Good luck to everyone and thanks for taking part and working with us this year,

Scott, Angus, Paulina and on behalf of HENN, Oliver, Pete and Dennis

B.15 Modelmaking Awards 2022 in collaboration with HENN


It’s that time of year again when the workshop days are loud, long and fruitful. As many students put the finishing touches to their models and head to the photography studio we’re pleased to announce a new collaboration with German Architectural practice HENN.

“We are proud to announce HENN will be collaborating with B.15 and the MSA for the 2022 Model Making Awards. At our studios in Munich, Berlin and Beijing, model making plays an integral role in our design process and how we perceive projects, and it’s very inspiring to see the possibilities of design through making in an academic environment.

For the past two years, we have participated in the judging of the Awards remotely and we are very excited to have the opportunity this year to see students’ work in-person. Looking forward to the show and we wish you all the best with your submissions!”


What are the awards? 

There are 4 equal awards given to students of any course and any year group at MSA. They are judged on a mix of reasoning, skill and final product and it’s important to note, no single criteria – all models are of interest. The award recognises the use of modelmaking in your design work for the 2021/22 academic year and consists of a cash prize and other items.

What are we looking for? 

Any individual or group projects from the 2021/22 academic year where modelmaking has been used to explore, develop or present your studio work, whatever it is and whatever it is made from, if it’s a model that helped you tell the story of your project it’s worthy of submission! Shortlisting will look for originality, build quality, materials choice and overall execution to make a decision on the final candidates.

What to you need to do and when?

Submissions must follow the format as provided in the InDesign template that you can download below. You must stick to the formatting of this page to maintain consistency in the submissions document. That includes the font which is also included in the download link following the criteria below. You can see examples of past submissions here. 

Submission Criteria

• Maximum 350 Words in the main body of text explaining:
a) Your project in brief, What was the purpose of your model(s)?
b) Your use of modelmaking at home/the workshop: scale, material and processes that you have used and why.

• Place 3 to 6 images of your modelmaking work (over the 2 pages) in its completed state these can include process images. Use captions to explain image content as shown in the example document.

• Models may have been completed from home, on campus, or a mix of both. Please clearly explain this whatever the case.

• Titles should be formatted as per the example. The main Text should be in Effra Font Size 10 (file included in the pack below if you don’t have it on your computer)

• 2 x Portrait A4 pages only

• Saved as a 2 Page PDF

If your submission does not conform to these guidelines it will not be included in the final document for judging.

Please submit your work by downloading this pack (Contains InDesign Template, Fonts and Example submission)

All submission must be received by 12.00 on Monday June 6th.

Send your submissions to scott.miller@manchester.ac.uk 

Projects will be shortlisted by HENN and announced by the end of June 8th.

Work will be judged in person on June 10th and the resulting award winners will be announced with other school prizes at the End of Year show on Friday June 10th approximately 18.00, 8th Floor Chatham. 

Some FAQWhat if my work isn’t on show? Please get in touch with us. We hope to display all entries that are shortlisted but not scheduled to feature in the end of year show at B.15 for judges to view on June 10th.

I didn’t use the workshop to make my model can I still submit? YES – this is an award for good use of modelmaking not exclusively about models made in workshops.I don’t think my work is good enough should I submit? YES – all modelmaking work submitted will be included in a combined document for Judges to see and for prospective employers and professionals to view via our blog. It can’t hurt to show off your hard work alongside your fellow course-mates and may lead to a job!I haven’t done a ‘final model’, should I submit? YES – the awards are not about final models exclusively but consider the use of all kinds of models for all stages of your projects.I have more than one model, can I submit them all? YES – many submissions are made up of multiple models (see previous submissions) so please feel free to include multiple models and describe them in your accompanying text.What if I’m in a group and we both want to submit? Group projects can submit as one and will be considered as a single submission. If a group wins then the prize will be split accordingly.

Best of luck with your submissions and the show build. We look forward to seeing your submissions!

Scott, Paulina, Angus and on behalf of HENN architects, Pete, Oliver and Dennis


We’re very pleased to announce our annual awards will go ahead and that we’ll be joined again by the fantastic international panel consisting of representatives from: SimpsonHaugh (Manchester), HENN (Berlin) and Bjarke Ingels Group (Copenhagen).

These awards are open to all students across all years of BA & MArch and we encourage anybody with modelmaking from studio/design work this academic year to submit.

Your work will be viewed by representatives from the collaborating practices and the resulting winners presented on June 18th at an all school event (link TBC).

What are we looking for? 

Any individual or group projects where modelmaking has been used to explore, develop or present your studio work, whatever it is and whatever it is made from, if it’s a model that helped you tell the story of your project it’s worthy of submission!

What to you need to do and when?

Submissions must follow the format as provided in the InDesign template that you can download below. You must stick to the formatting of this page to maintain consistency in the submissions document. That includes the font which is also included in the download link.

Have a look at last years submissions here as an example of how to lay out your work.

Key Criteria for your submission:

• Maximum 350 Words in the main body of text explaining:
a) Your project in brief, What was the purpose of your model(s)?
b) Your use of modelmaking at home/the workshop: scale, material and processes that you have used and why.

• Place 3 to 6 images of your modelmaking work (over the 2 pages) in its completed state these can include process images. Use captions to explain image content as shown in the example document.

• Models may have been completed from home, on campus, or a mix of both. Please clearly explain this whatever the case.

• Text should be in Effra Font (file included if you don’t have it on your computer) Size 10

• 2 x A4 pages only

• Saved as a 2 Page PDF

If your submission does not conform to these guidelines it will not be included in the final document for judging.

Please submit your work by downloading this pack

These must be submitted to scott.miller@manchester.ac.uk by 10.00am UK Time on Tuesday June 1st.

Good luck to everyone and well done getting through this year!

Scott and Saul @ B15

B.15 AT HOME AWARDS – Student Submissions

After a challenging few months since the lockdown began it was great to see such a range of submissions for our slightly unusual award scheme this year. Everyone should be extremely proud of their efforts to keep a practical element to their design development and presentation from home.

Please congratulate yourselves and colleagues for this fantastic work!

>>>>The full submissions document can be viewed and downloaded here<<<<<

HENN Representatives, Oliver Koch and Peter Lee looking at the submissions in detail.

Modelmakers Assemble: The different judges and B.15 staff met to discuss their verdicts.

Submissions were independently judged by representatives from SimpsonHaugh, Bjarke Ingels Group and HENN last week following the submission deadline with a final discussion on Friday June 5th.

The winners will be announced as part of the MSA collective school prize giving event, date and time TBC within in the coming weeks.

For their time and expertise we would like to thank Peter Lee & Oliver Koch at HENN Berlin, Kristin Mishra & Kaia Williams at SimpsonHaugh Manchester and Artemis Antonopoulou & Phillipa Seagrave at Bjarke Ingels Group Copenhagen.

The full MSA 2020 Show will be online from Friday June 12th here.

Take care all,

Scott, Jim & Saul


We’re excited to announce a new awards scheme for this year open to all MSA students. This new scheme will award the hard work of students who have continued to use modelmaking in their design work during the ongoing lockdown situation.
With students spread across the world at a time when we would normally celebrate the culmination of everybody’s hard work together, it seemed fitting that the work be judged internationally as well.

The panel will consist of representatives from the following practices:

SimpsonHaugh (Manchester, UK)

Bjarke Ingles Group (Copenhagen, Denmark)

HENN (Berlin, Germany)

Each practice will receive the list of submissions and, based on the criteria as explained below, choose their pick from this years home-made projects.
Judges will be looking for a clear explanation for the model(s) role in your design work, The methods and materials you have used and how well they are presented/photographed.

How to submit your work

In order to have your work judged you must use the InDesign template included in the link below. Refer to the example page included in the download pack for an insight into the content that might feature in your submission. Be honest about the situation by concisely explaining your practical limitations and how you chose to overcome them.

Key Criteria for your submission:

• Maximum 350 Words in the main body of text explaining:
a) Your project in brief, What was the purpose of your model(s)?
b) Your use of modelmaking at home: scale, material and processes that you have used and why.

• Place 3 to 6 images of your modelmaking work (over the 2 pages) in its completed state these can include process images. Use captions to explain image content as shown in the example document.

• Models should have been completed from home but can include elements produced before the campus closure, please clearly explain if this is the case, how elements were produced.

• Text should be in Effra Font (file included if you don’t have it on your computer) Size 10

• 2 x A4 pages only

• Saved as a 2 Page PDF

If your submission does not conform to these guidelines it will not be included in the final document for judging.

Please submit your work by downloading this pack

Once completed please submit your pages saved as PDF back to scott.miller@manchester.ac.uk no later than 12.00 (UK) Tuesday June 2nd 2020

There will be three awards with the winners announced on June 5th in conjunction with the launch of the MSA Digital Show.

This is a unique opportunity to have your work seen by representatives of these internationally successful practices so don’t hesitate to submit your work.

The range of practical work produced over the last 8 weeks deserves to be recognised so we’re pleased to be able to present this platform to enable that to happen. Good luck and we encourage everybody who has taken the time to make models since campus closure to take part!

Jim, Scott & Saul

SimpsonHaugh B.15 Modelmaking Awards 2019

“Modelmaking is an integral component in the practice of architectural design, providing the first opportunity to bring two dimensional drawings and sketches into the three dimensional world as physical objects.”

For the second year running we are pleased to announce this years student modelmaking awards will be sponsored by SimpsonHaugh. Last years scheme brought out some tough competition across all years and we hope to see more great original modelmaking ideas being pushed in this years submissions.

Awards are open to BA 3rd year and both 5th and 6th year of MArch and will be awarded as 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for BA & MArch MSA students.

At last year’s SimpsonHaugh B.15 Model Making Awards, we were very impressed with the high standard of models produced by MSA students. We are thrilled to be supporting the awards again this year, and look forward to meeting new students and observing their design development through model making.

Model making is an integral component in the practice of architectural design, providing the first opportunity to bring two dimensional drawings and sketches into the three dimensional world as physical objects. Physical models are tools used to fully test, explore and understand building designs. They convey the true effects of scale, light and materiality where computer technology may restrict us.

This year, we would like to see students demonstrate an understanding of appropriate scale, tools and materials in the construction of their models, as well as consider material costs, time frame and build approach.  

Although final presentation models are a great way to bring together a completed design and polish our making skills, we also want to see evidence of sketch/study models which test and explore design elements. These quick studies bring greater depth and substance to a project, which sequentially lead to more refined presentation models.

At SimpsonHaugh we use physical models to develop and refine building proposals. Models are used as tools within the design teams, in client meetings and for public consultation as a means of translating drawings and ideas into a tangible reality, which can be more clearly understand through physical interaction.

We are excited to see what creative and amazing models MSA students produce this year!


-Kaia Williams and Phillipa Seagrave, SimpsonHaugh Modelmakers

Awards Launch open office event

Following a successful open office event last year SimpsonHaugh have again agreed to open their doors for an official launch of our award scheme on Wednesday March 20th at 17.00. There will be a short presentation about this years awards scheme followed by refreshments and a chance to, see the office/workshop, ask questions and network with SH staff.

>>>>>    Click here to register and secure your ticket for the launch.    <<<<<

Entry to this event is strictly limited and exclusive to MSA students.

Registered ticket holders only. Sign up early to ensure your place

SimpsonHaugh Modelmakers at B.15

During the final term there will be a number of dates where Kaia Williams and Phillipa Seagrave, in-house Modelmakers at SH will be present at the workshop to offer advice and observe work in progress. This is a great opportunity to speak to experienced modelmakers who can offer tips from their experience of working creatively under pressure. These dates will be confirmed soon and posted to Moodle and on social media.

Find out more about SimpsonHaugh here: www.simpsonhaugh.com/

Submitting your projects

Further information about the submission process will be announced in the coming weeks via our blog/moodle. Check back here and keep an eye on moodle for updates.

This award scheme is exclusively for MSA BA 3rd year and MArch 5th and 6th year students.


SimpsonHaugh B.15 Modelmaking Awards 2018 – The Winners

Friday 8th of June saw the opening of this years annual show at Manchester School of Architecture.

During the hours preceding the opening, representatives of SimpsonHaugh Architects; Kristin Mishra, Kaia Williams and Nick Fleming joined MSA’s Professor Tom Jefferies, Dr Stephen Walker and B.15 Workshop’s Jim Backhouse and Scott Miller to Judge this years modelmaking awards.

The shortlist of 10 students from BA and 10 from MArch was whittled down from over 40 submissions from across the ateliers. Each submission was independently marked against a 3 point system and then totalled, combined with the other judges score and then ranked before the winners were revealed. The winners were as follows:

BA (Hons) Architecture

1st Prize: Nour Hamade

2nd Prize: Camila Fabara Von Lippke

3rd Prize: Lola Tartakover


1st Prize: Rebekah Parkinson & Karissa Tysklind

2nd Prize: Mike Ellis & Jack Poulton

3rd Prize: Emily Daye

On behalf of SimpsonHaugh we would like thank all who submitted their work for consideration and congratulate those who made the short and winning list. This is never a straight forward process so anyone who has been featured should be proud of their achievements in making this year.

The show, featuring the prize winning work and all shortlisted work will run until June 20th at the School of Art. Be sure to check it out whilst you can.

Well done all and good luck for the future!

Scott, Jim & Pip at B.15 Workshop

SimpsonHaugh B.15 Modelmaking Awards Shortlist 2018

After whittling down over 40 long listed submissions we can announce the 20 students that have made it onto this years awards shortlist from 3rd year BA and MArch years 1 & 2. There will be 3 prizes for both groups.

In no particular order

BA Architecture
Julie Alvaer Teigen
Patricia Belcin
Lola Tartakover
Camila Fabara Von Lippke
Benjamin Norris
Hau Hui Min
Jumana Tarazi
Nour Hamade
Eleni Roka
Jhower Emanuel Sanchez-Pinela

Tom Smith & Jacob Graves
Mike Ellis & Jack Poulton
Rebekah Parkinson & Karissa Tysklind
Afshin Khalife
Trevor Stevenson & Conor King
Emily Daye
Krishna Patel
Jonathan Southgate
Jenny Bedford
Sam Walters & Matthew Wreglesworth

Thank you to all who made the effort to submit their work to be considered- there are many great projects in the show this year which were discounted here out of necessity. Well done to you all and good luck to those who have made this list. Judging will take place this Friday and the winners will be presented at the official show opening – be sure to attend as well as the practice preview event on Thursday where SimpsonHaugh will be looking to recruit both Part 1 & 2 Students.

The complete SH B.15 Awards 2018 document with project descriptions and images can be viewed here.

Good Luck everyone,

Jim, Scott, Pip and on behalf of SimpsonHaugh, Kristin Mishra, Kaia Williams and Nick Flemming