We’re excited to announce a new awards scheme for this year open to all MSA students. This new scheme will award the hard work of students who have continued to use modelmaking in their design work during the ongoing lockdown situation.
With students spread across the world at a time when we would normally celebrate the culmination of everybody’s hard work together, it seemed fitting that the work be judged internationally as well.
The panel will consist of representatives from the following practices:
SimpsonHaugh (Manchester, UK)
Bjarke Ingles Group (Copenhagen, Denmark)
HENN (Berlin, Germany)
Each practice will receive the list of submissions and, based on the criteria as explained below, choose their pick from this years home-made projects.
Judges will be looking for a clear explanation for the model(s) role in your design work, The methods and materials you have used and how well they are presented/photographed.
How to submit your work
In order to have your work judged you must use the InDesign template included in the link below. Refer to the example page included in the download pack for an insight into the content that might feature in your submission. Be honest about the situation by concisely explaining your practical limitations and how you chose to overcome them.
Key Criteria for your submission:
• Maximum 350 Words in the main body of text explaining:
a) Your project in brief, What was the purpose of your model(s)?
b) Your use of modelmaking at home: scale, material and processes that you have used and why.
• Place 3 to 6 images of your modelmaking work (over the 2 pages) in its completed state these can include process images. Use captions to explain image content as shown in the example document.
• Models should have been completed from home but can include elements produced before the campus closure, please clearly explain if this is the case, how elements were produced.
• Text should be in Effra Font (file included if you don’t have it on your computer) Size 10
• 2 x A4 pages only
• Saved as a 2 Page PDF
If your submission does not conform to these guidelines it will not be included in the final document for judging.
Please submit your work by downloading this pack
Once completed please submit your pages saved as PDF back to scott.miller@manchester.ac.uk no later than 12.00 (UK) Tuesday June 2nd 2020
There will be three awards with the winners announced on June 5th in conjunction with the launch of the MSA Digital Show.
This is a unique opportunity to have your work seen by representatives of these internationally successful practices so don’t hesitate to submit your work.
The range of practical work produced over the last 8 weeks deserves to be recognised so we’re pleased to be able to present this platform to enable that to happen. Good luck and we encourage everybody who has taken the time to make models since campus closure to take part!
Jim, Scott & Saul