B.15 Late opening Hours

Dear all,

From Tuesday 25th April we’ll be open for additional hours for 3 nights a week. You must sign up to attend these additional hours. The building will be locked from 18.00 each day so you need to be in by then.

Please sign up via the link sent out on Moodle if you wish to attend and remember to remove your name if you no longer wish to attend as soon as you make that decision so others can use the space.

Late opening will cover the following dates with more added if demand is high.


Tuesday 25th 16.30-19.30
Wednesday 26th 16.30-19.30
Thursday 27th 16.30-19.30


Tuesday 2nd 16.30-19.30
Wednesday 3rd 16.30-19.30
Thursday 4th 16.30-19.30

Tuesday 9th 16.30-19.30
Wednesday 10th 16.30-19.30
Thursday 11th 16.30-19.30

We look forward to seeing you when you’re ready to make,

B.15 Team

Opening Hours Update

Happy New Year folks,

Just a quick update about opening hours in the coming weeks. In general we’re open the same standard hours 9.30-13.00 (Lunch break 13.00-14.00) 14.00-16.30 Monday to Friday. The following days however we’ll be closed or open half day for various reasons:

Tuesday 24th January – Closed in the morning, Open from 14.00 as normal.

Friday 27th January – Open as normal in the morning, Closed from 13.00.

Wednesday 1st February – Open as normal in the morning, Closed from 13.00.

Any further updates will be posted here.

See you soon, B.15 Team

Catch-up and additional induction dates

Hi All,

Following the last intense induction week we have another few dates to bare in mind where the workshop will be closed to general access until those who missed out have completed the induction process both here and at MMU. Dates to take note of. MArch will be confirmed asap.

 B.15 Induction MA Architecture and Urbanism – Monday 8th October AM

Closed to general access Due to First Year Lecture – Wednesday 10th October AM

B.15 Induction 1st Year Catch-up session – Friday 12th October AM

B.15 Induction MArch Catch-up session – TBC

A note to MArch returning students:

Even though you will be familiar with the workshop having been here for your undergrad we are legally obliged to re-induct you to our working practice. It is therefore still necessary for you to attend an induction or you will not be allowed access to use B.15 or MMU workshops.

See you soon,

Scott and Jim

Opening Dates between now and June

Easter Break

Closed Friday 30th March – Reopening Monday 9th April

Events Weeks

Pre-Arranged Events groups only between 19th April – 2nd May (19th-20th we are open at half capacity due to events)

NOTE: This includes laser cutter bookings due to workshop capacity. Maximum 20 users at any one time.

Late Opening Dates

Between Monday 30th April and June 1st the workshop will remain open Monday -Thursday until 19.30 when students will be asked to clean up your workspace as normal in preparation for the following day.

These temporary opening times are as follows:

Monday 09.30 – 19.30

Tuesday 09.30 – 19.30

Wednesday 09.30 – 19.30

Thursday 09.30 – 19.30

Friday 09.30 – 16.30

 Jim, Scott & Pip

Workshop opening/closure times over the new few weeks

Hi All,
Please take note of the following dates where opening times vary due to inductions/lectures:
  • Wednesday 27th September Open 14.00 – 16.30
  • Thursday 28th September MArch Inductions. Closed All Day.
  • Friday 29th September Open from 11.30 – 16.30 (Lunch hour as normal 13.00-14.00)
  • Thursday 5th October MA Inductions. Open from 12.00 – 16.30 (Lunch hour as normal 13.00-14.00)
  • Friday 6th October BA Inductions. Closed All Day.
  • Monday 9th October 3rd Year Intro. Open 09.30 – 15.00 (Lunch hour as normal 13.00-14.00)
  • Wednesday 11th October First Year Intro. Open 10.30 – 16.30
Should there be any other induction dates that arise I’ll add to this post.

Easter Break and Late Opening Hours

Hi All,

The workshop will remain open for the first week of Easter break between 3rd and 7th April. We will then be closed until Monday 24th.

As previously announced there are 4 other mornings where we are closed after Easter: Wednesday 26th, Thursday 27th, Friday 28th April and Tuesday 2nd May – closed between 09.30 and 14.00.

Late opening hours

Beginning Monday 24th April the workshop will remain open for an extra 3 hours a day Monday to Thursday for 4 weeks. This includes the dates where we will be closed in the mornings mentioned above.

The workshop will remain open Monday -Thursday until 19.30 when students will be asked to clean up your workspace as normal in preparation for the following day. These temporary opening times are as follows:

Monday 09.30 – 19.30

Tuesday 09.30 – 19.30

Wednesday 09.30 – 19.30

Thursday 09.30 – 19.30

Friday 09.30 – 16.30

See you soon, Scott & Jim

Easter Opening and Late Hours

General Workshop 2015 (3)

The workshop will be open for the first four days of the Easter break from Monday 21st to Thursday 24th March.

Beginning Monday 18th April we will be opening for an extra 3 hours a day. The workshop will remain open Monday -Thursday until 19.30 when students will be asked to clean up your workspace as normal in preparation for the following day. These temporary opening times are as follows:

Monday 09.30 – 19.30

Tuesday 09.30 – 19.30

Wednesday 09.30 – 19.30

Thursday 09.30 – 19.30

Friday 09.30 – 16.30

This time is in addition to our normal working day (09.30 – 16.30) and therefore does not mean you should turn up any later than normal. Please make the most of this additional time.

Looking forward to seeing some great work from everyone! More announcements soon!

Scott and Jim

Happy New Year and Welcome Back Updates

Hi All,

Hope you have had a good break and time to recoup for the next few months.

Part of the UoM server went down over the break resulting in our blog going down but thankfully everything is intact and we are back online. Apologies for any inconvenience this caused anyone.

****Workshop Opening Times January/February****

This year we will be hosting one of the 5th year workshops between 25th January and Monday 8th February.

This will mean a shorter working day for these two weeks with the workshop only opening from 11.00 till the normal closing time of 16.30.

New Materials

We have a couple of new additions to our materials stock this term which as usual are subject to availability so be sure to check before beginning your project planning


Anyone who has been inducted this year or last will have been told about this product which 4D Stock. This pulp board has a great range of applications due to its ability to form shapes when wet which are maintained when the board dries. Recommended for sketch and development models but there’s no reason it couldn’t be used for more advanced models as well.


Metal Effect Silver Styrene Sheet

One of the most common questions asked of what can be cut on the laser cutters is metals. Whilst this isn’t possible we have bought in this substitute which is a metallic styrene plastic sheet. This can be laser cut and worked as with other styrene or acrylic sheeting and should serve as a suitable alternative for some cases.


Scale Trees

We have a small selection of high quality brass etched and flocked scale trees. These are available from 4D Modelshop in a much wider range of sizes and styles. Samples of those available from 4D Can be seen in the workshop. We have a small stock of the following:

Medium Green, Copper Beech, Cork, White and Bare Branch

Don’t forget to register for your 10% student discount if you buy anything from them quoting either myself or Jim as your tutor when asked.


New Reference Book

Advanced Mouldmaking and Casting, Nick Brooks, 2011


This book provides a thorough guide with case studies of mouldmaking and casting with a variety of materials. Whilst our facilities of this are limited we hope this book will guide you to approach this method with more confidence as well as see what is possible outside of a workshop environment. As with all our books you are welcome to use as reference within the workshop but please don’t take out.

See you all soon,

Scott and Jim